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Level 30--(20-50)CP2000-2800CP+IV95%-100% ,140+Pokemon,Enough candy
9 Incenses + 9 Lucky Eggs (100% Bonus XP) + 6 Lure Modules
44.99 USD Buy Now
Level 31--(20-50)CP2000-2800CP+IV95%-100% ,140+Pokemon,Enough candy
9 Incenses + 9 Lucky Eggs (100% Bonus XP) + 6 Lure Modules
48.99 USD Buy Now
Level 32--(20-50)CP2000-2800CP+IV95%-100% ,140+Pokemon,Enough candy
9 Incenses + 9 Lucky Eggs (100% Bonus XP) + 6 Lure Modules
52.99 USD Buy Now
Level 34--(25-60)CP2000-2800CP+IV95%-100% ,140+Pokemon,Enough candy
9 Incenses + 9 Lucky Eggs (100% Bonus XP) + 6 Lure Modules
59.99 USD Buy Now
Level 33--(25-60)CP2000-2800CP+IV95%-100% ,140+Pokemon,Enough candy
9 Incenses + 9 Lucky Eggs (100% Bonus XP) + 6 Lure Modules
62.99 USD Buy Now

possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold

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